Ý tưởng tìm kiếm các nhà môi giới ngoại hối hoàn hảo cho các nhà giao dịch mới đã mê hoặc vô số nhà giao dịch trong thời gian gần đây. Mặc dù số lượng khó khăn, mọi người vẫn đang tìm kiếm các nhà môi giới ngoại hối hoàn hảo để họ có thể dựa vào rất nhiều. Tuy nhiên, để chọn các nhà môi giới này, các nhà giao dịch mới cần chú ý hơn đến các khía cạnh khác nhau cho phép họ có một cái nhìn toàn diện. Trong thực tế, bạn có thể biết rằng các nhà môi giới ECN không thực sự tương thích với các nhà giao dịch mới. Theo tôi, đó là một yêu cầu bắt buộc đối với các nhà giao dịch mới để xem xét cẩn thận trước khi chọn các nhà môi giới trong tương lai, và chúng ta cần có một sự hiểu biết tốt về họ. Ví dụ, sẽ rất có giá trị cho các nhà giao dịch tìm kiếm một số thông tin liên quan về các nhà môi giới ngoại hối sắp tới. Kết quả là, chúng ta có thể biết liệu những nhà môi giới đó có tốt hay không. Nếu bạn hoàn toàn quan tâm đến con đường giao dịch, bạn cần thay đổi các nhà môi giới ngoại hối khác nhau. Bằng cách này, bạn sẽ có nhiều cơ hội hơn để trải nghiệm các nhà môi giới khác nhau, và có thể chọn một công ty phù hợp. Từ quan điểm của tôi, bạn đã lựa chọn tốt hơn cho một loại nhà môi giới ngoại hối mà bạn có thể hưởng lợi.

Để làm cho nó rõ ràng hơn, tôi sẽ cho bạn thấy một danh sách ba nhà môi giới ngoại hối tốt nhất cho người mới bắt đầu.

  1. XM.com: 9/10
  2. Exness.com: 9/10
  3. FBS.com: 8/10

Tôi tin rằng việc biết một số yếu tố nhất định trước khi giao dịch là thực sự cần thiết. Để đảm bảo rằng tất cả chúng ta đều hiểu về các khía cạnh này, tôi sẽ cung cấp cho bạn một số thông tin có giá trị.

  1. Hiểu biết của các nhà giao dịch mới:

Các nhà giao dịch mới có xu hướng nghĩ rằng tài khoản demo ngoại hối sẽ thực sự hữu ích cho họ, đây là một khái niệm nghiêm túc. Từ kinh nghiệm của riêng tôi, tài khoản Cent là tài khoản mà người mới bắt đầu ngoại hối có thể hưởng lợi rất nhiều từ đó. Ngoài ra, nó cũng là tài khoản hoàn hảo cho các nhà giao dịch mới. Nếu chúng tôi chọn tài khoản demo, đó có thể là một sai lầm nghiêm trọng. Đó là bởi vì bạn có thể có thể đấu tranh với một loạt các vấn đề bối rối. Hơn nữa, nếu bạn là chuyên gia, tài khoản ECN là lựa chọn tốt nhất. Mặt khác, bạn nên tránh xa loại tài khoản này, nếu bạn là người giao dịch mới. Trên thực tế, loại tài khoản này thực sự biến động vì nó có rất nhiều trượt và lỗ hổng. Do thực tế tôi là một cựu nhân viên môi giới trong quá khứ, do đó tôi hiểu những vấn đề này. Người ta ước tính rằng 95% thương nhân mới sẽ mất tiền ngay từ đầu. Do đó, bạn không nên đổ một số tiền lớn vào giao dịch đầu tiên của mình. Thật vậy, phần lớn các nhà giao dịch nhỏ thường mất tiền khi họ giữ lợi nhuận với tỷ lệ trên 10%. Theo tôi, thật tốt khi họ giữ lợi nhuận khoảng 3 hoặc 5% hàng tháng. Số lượng giao dịch viên mở nhiều vị trí trong thời gian phát hành mới vì sự hiểu lầm về giao dịch và tin tức. Nói một cách dễ hiểu, ý tưởng này hoàn toàn sai lầm vì các nhà giao dịch ngoại hối có kinh nghiệm sẽ không bao giờ giao dịch trong thời gian phát hành mới.

  1. Nhận thức sai về các nhà môi giới hoàn hảo cho các nhà giao dịch mới.

Khi bắt đầu xâm nhập thị trường ngoại hối, có một quan niệm sai lầm rằng tôi nên chọn các nhà môi giới ngoại hối tốt nhất. Trong thực tế, khi tôi đến với các nhà môi giới này, tiền của tôi dường như bị bốc hơi trong một thời gian ngắn. Do đó, tôi đã thoát khỏi những người môi giới đó, và chọn những người phù hợp khác. Thật khó để mọi người biết định nghĩa của các nhà môi giới ngoại hối tốt nhất. Để đi đến các nhà môi giới ngoại hối phù hợp, bạn nên xác định chính xác phương thức giao dịch, kinh nghiệm và điều kiện giao dịch quốc gia của mình. Theo quan điểm của tôi, đây là bước khởi đầu có thể giúp bạn định hình các chiến lược giao dịch của mình. Trong một từ, bạn có thể mất tiền của bạn bất cứ lúc nào. Kết quả là, bạn nên có một cái nhìn sâu sắc để biết một số điều cơ bản về các nhà môi giới, và học được rất nhiều điều từ những sai lầm của chính bạn.

3. Một số tiêu chí nhất định của các nhà môi giới hoàn hảo cho người mới bắt đầu trong thị trường ngoại hối.

Phải thừa nhận rằng, việc lựa chọn các nhà môi giới hoàn hảo đôi khi rất khó khăn. Khi bạn giao dịch với các nhà môi giới ngoại hối lúc đầu. Chúng tôi cần biết rằng đây là một bước tốt cho bạn ngay từ đầu. Theo tôi, nó được coi là một bước thiết yếu vì nó cho phép bạn hiểu rõ về các nhà môi giới. Do đó, những gì chúng ta cần chuẩn bị trước một cái gì đó là nắm bắt một số tiêu chuẩn cơ bản của các nhà môi giới ngoại hối hoàn hảo.

Dưới đây là một số tiêu chí quan trọng của các nhà môi giới ngoại hối hoàn hảo mà tất cả chúng ta nên tập trung vào.

  • Yêu cầu tiền gửi thấp.
  • Yêu cầu rất nhiều giao dịch nhỏ.
  • Dễ dàng.
Tiền gửi thấp:

Đối với các nhà giao dịch có kinh nghiệm, họ có thiên hướng quan tâm đến một số khía cạnh của các nhà môi giới như tín dụng, chi phí giao dịch và báo giá chất lượng. Mặt khác, các nhà giao dịch mới không được coi là nạn nhân tốt của một số nhà môi giới lừa đảo. Trên thực tế, các nhà môi giới sẽ đưa ra một số chiến lược để lôi cuốn những nhà giao dịch mới này. Ví dụ, họ sẽ hỗ trợ các nhà giao dịch này bằng cách hỗ trợ họ nhiều điều kiện giao dịch tốt. Do đó, tôi chắc chắn rằng bạn không nên gửi hơn 100 đô la trong giai đoạn giao dịch này (3 tháng) vì bạn giao dịch một ít tiền.

Tại sao giao dịch nhỏ rất quan trọng?

Một bước cực kỳ quan trọng mà bạn nên biết là mở các vị trí nhỏ nhất có thể ngay từ đầu. Thông thường, lô tiêu chuẩn là khoảng 100.000 US. Đây là một bất lợi lớn cho các nhà giao dịch vì giá trị lớn của nó. Tuy nhiên, nhiều nhà môi giới, những người cung cấp tài khoản Micro, phù hợp với các nhà giao dịch vì các nhà giao dịch sẽ có thể mở các vị trí nhỏ tới 0,00001 lô USD. Họ là XM, Exness và FBS, những người cũng cung cấp tài khoản Cent mà giao dịch lô tối thiểu chỉ là 0,0001 Lô USD.

Trên thực tế, nếu bạn giao dịch bằng tài khoản Micro hoặc Cent, bạn phải gửi $ 10 cho cả tháng. Quan trọng hơn, nếu bạn giành được tiền của mình, bạn có thể rút tiền ngay lập tức.

Tại sao "Dễ dàng cực kỳ quan trọng đối với các nhà giao dịch mới?

Ở bước đầu tiên của giao dịch, tôi chắc chắn rằng những người mới bắt đầu ngoại hối phải vật lộn với nhiều thời điểm khó khăn vì sự phức tạp của thị trường ngoại hối. Những gì bạn cần làm là chuẩn bị các chương trình tốt cho phép các nhà giao dịch mới dễ dàng hiểu về thị trường này. Do đó, tôi sẽ đưa ra một số lời khuyên hữu ích cho tất cả các nhà giao dịch mới khi giao dịch lúc đầu.

  • Chọn các nhà môi giới dễ dàng nhất luôn là một lựa chọn tốt cho các nhà giao dịch vì họ có thể nắm bắt một số thông tin và chiến lược giao dịch một cách dễ dàng.
  • Lúc đầu, chúng ta nên giao dịch bằng giao dịch web / thiết bị đầu cuối web và sau đó là MT4 / MT5.
  • Lúc đầu, các nhà giao dịch mới nên ký gửi bằng Visa / Master.
Tại sao các thương nhân mới cần phải có hỗ trợ địa phương tốt?

Theo suy nghĩ của tôi, lựa chọn các nhà môi giới luôn sẵn sàng giúp đỡ chúng tôi trong một số tình huống khẩn cấp là một lựa chọn thông minh. Như đã nói ở trên, thị trường ngoại hối thực sự phức tạp, do đó, các nhà giao dịch cần nhận được hỗ trợ từ nhà môi giới của họ bất cứ lúc nào. Quan trọng nhất, trong lần giao dịch đầu tiên của tôi, tôi đã phải đối phó với nhiều vấn đề khác nhau như đăng nhập, cài đặt MT4, bảo mật 3D của Thẻ tín dụng. Do đó, một lựa chọn tốt là lựa chọn những người hỗ trợ địa phương có thể giúp bạn giải quyết những vấn đề này.


Which trading account should traders choose? How not to lose money? How to deal with the difficulties? Actually, these are so complicated for beginners for the first time in trading. According to some research indicated that more 90% beginners lost when first started trading. For the purpose of supporting traders are familiar with trading demo account is founded. They also were recommended to practice with demo account some months before investing real money. This is a good advice. In my view, this isn’t the most efficient practice. As far as I’m concerned most brokers offer better trading conditions for demo account, such as: lower spread, lower volatility, better execution and price. Indeed, these conditions don’t appear in real account. Therefore some research showed that: the more you win with demo account, the more you lose with real accounts. Forex trading beginners are easy to win demo account as result of they will be overly confident. Obviously, they will think that they are very talented and can win with real account. Demo waste time, money but it doesn’t bring benefits. Today’s article will help you find out which account is the best account for forex trading beginners.

Tìm sàn forex tốt nhất cho người mới ngay.



Trading successfully you should start the right trading approach. I selected Cent account for my first time I think that it is the best real trading account for beginners. 3 important advantages of Exness Cent account is that:

– Advantage 1: Cent account is a real account. So, trading Cent account means you are trading in real trading conditions: real spread, real prices, real volatility, slippage… So, if you win with Cent account, you can win with other real account types.

– Advantage 2: You will trade under discipline regulated by cent account system. If you follow these rules, you will success quickly.

– Advantage 3: Low studying cost and real trading conditions can help you practice more. You use Cent Dollars to trade. For instance, you can deposit 10$ and get 1000 USC in your account. For this 1000 USC, you can open hundreds of orders to practice trading. You may lose all your 10$ deposit but you don’t worry. 10$ is enough for you to practice in a month. Particularly, you can withdraw all your money and profit whenever you want. Moreover, with the fear of losing money so you tend to work harder to improve your trading ability faster. Cent account is a good environment to practice and upgrade your ability in trading.

Why Exness Cent account is the best for forex trading beginners?

Although Exness is the best forex brokers, it also proposes Cent accounts in order to attract all customers from beginners to experienced brokers. Exness lies in top 5 best ECN brokers reviewed 2018 so it offers better trading conditions and reliability. You can check their trading volume here.

Please know that, their report was audited by Deloitte. This is the most famous and independent audit company. So, you can trust these reports.

Of course, the number of orders for beginners, but it’s still enough for them to practice 1 – 2 months with the best broker and best trading conditions. Here is the reason why Exness’s Cent account is the best for you:

– Firstly, the license, the audit, and search traffic are 3 things which I assess a broker’s reputation. Exness guarantees 3 factors plus is the biggest retail forex trading broker. It gets the best reputation.

– Secondly, doing everything for the first time anyone is also afraid of risks so new traders will never deposit too much money when just entering upon their career. Exness Cent account don’t require minimum deposit. You can deposit as low as $1 or whatever you want.

– Thirdly, you can open positions at as low as 0.01 Cent or 0.0001$. This is the lowest minimum position value in the market. To keep away from risks and this low minimum order value you can practice from 1 – 3 months for just $10.

– Fourthly, Exness Cent account offers the highest leverage. So, you will have more free margins to keep your orders open. Some other accounts will not suggest high leverage due to law.

Exness: For accounts with less than $1000 and having traded more than 5 lots, the leverage is unlimited. For accounts with over $1000, it is up to 1:2000

View Exness accounts details

I have some trust information about Exness; you can click leverage to check.

– Fifthly, local payment methods or banks instantly help you to deposit and withdraw from Cent account. I recommend Exness since they leave all this work for the machine, so the time to perform these tasks is only millisecond. It is easy and convenient.

– Finally, some beginner traders are always in need of advices and instructions. Exness will support traders by local languages. Exness support many countries in their local languages such as: China, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Saudi Arab, Iran, and English-speaking countries… Exness has amazing customer service (24/7 service, multiple languages) for their clients. So, it’s very convenient for you if you speak these languages.

How to open Exness Cent account?

You can open Exness Cent account here

To open Cent account, you just need one email and a phone number. It’s very easy and it takes you just less than one minute to complete registration. Let’s try!


Source: http://cashbackforex.club/tkmct_31/nen-mo-tai-khoan-exness-gi.html



 How can we win forex contests? This has become a very common question in recent times. Many new traders who crave for winning prizes of forex contests. Their primary purpose is to find best forex contests so that they will have many chances to gain big prize. The multitude of traders are fascinated by forex contests but they do not know how to opt for best ones. Through this article, I will provide you some valuable information that you can find best forex contests. Obviously, you can take part in these contests hosted by both big and small forex brokers. However, you need to make sure that choosing largest forex brokers would be better for you because they are more reliable. In terms of this article, I will give some illustrations about top three forex brokers and their current forex contests. I will give some differences among three best forex brokers, who are Exness, FXTM, and FBS. Their corresponding contests are: Exness Forex World Cup 2018, FXTM Titans, and FBS Pro.

1. The best forex contests come with the best prizes

The prize will be the primary concern of all players. Exness has the largest prize which comes to $120,000 in total for 12 rounds, so they reward $10,000 for each round. FXTM’s total prize is just one third of that, which is $40,000 for 4 rounds, so the prize for each round is the same as Exness. However, the first prize of each round of Exness is only $3000, while FXTM’s first prize for each round is $5000. FBS Pro contest is held every month, so it has the smallest prize, which is only $1000, with the first prize is only $450.


The details of the prizes of each broker are listed here:

Broker’s name

Number of rounds

Detailed prizes for each round



1st place - $3000

2nd place - $2000

3rd place - $1000

4th and 5th place - $500



1st place - $5000

2nd place - $2500

3rd place - $1200

4th place - $800

5th place - $500



1st place - $450

2nd place - $250

3rd place - $150

4th place - $100

5th place - $50


If you win with FXTM, you can withdraw all your prizes when the contest is over. For Exness, you can only withdraw half of the prize. The other half will turn into your bonus for you to trade at Exness in the future. For FBS, the winner can withdraw all of his prizes when the contest is over.

Tìm sàn forex tốt nhất cho người mới ngay.

2. Pay attention to the rules of the best forex contests

It's not hard to take part in the contest. You just need to open a demo account in the registration period because all contests are demo trading contests. Each broker will provide you with a different virtual amount of money. $100,000 of virtual money will be given by FXTM.


FBS and Exness give you lower, just $10,000 and $1000. The factors that decide the winner of the three brokers are different. For FXTM, your ratio of profits is calculated by the following formula: [Net Profits ÷ 100000] x 100 = XX.XX%.


If two contestants have the same ratio, the one with the smallest drawdown (defined as how much your fund decreases after it reaches the highest peak) will become the winner. If they still have the same result, the first prize will be shared equally for both contestants. For Exness and FBS, the winner is identified for who made the most during the contest period.

The leverages applied for the contests are different among the brokers. Exness seems to have the best leverage, which comes to 1:2000. For FXTM, leverage is lower, which is 1:500 and FBS contest leverage is only 1:100.

Other rules of those brokers are quite similar:

  • In contest, each contestant can only open and trade with 1 demo account.

  • Contestants can only make profit from the initial amount of money that the brokers provide them. They can’t deposit more into the account used in the contest.

  • After finishing contest, the winners have 5 business days of reply to the email about the prize that the brokers send them.

  • The brokers all have the final voice if there are any arguments.


3. What is the point of forex contests?

The brokers’ purpose is to invite new traders to experience the best trading conditions that the brokers offer. Via contests, they can attract a lot of new forex traders. If you are a new trader, remember that “Don’t pay too much attention to these contests, just 1 or two contests is enough for you.”

The main goal of the brokers is to attract new traders, so the trading conditions of these contests are really amazing and inviting. In real trading forex, it’s not a piece of cake. A new trader will have a lot of experienced traders who make more money to trade with these brokers in the contests. You are a new trader, so your chance to win against the professional traders is nearly zero.

One or two contests is enough for you to know how these brokers work and have some experience in the forex trading.

4. What to do when entering the best forex contests?

Ignore risk management

When joining the contests, you’re trading demo accounts. You won’t take any risks. You can ignore your usual risk management plans. Your account will be kept safe but they also limit your profit rate at 10% maximum. The low rate is applied in forex contests, so if you want to win, your profitable rate must come to about 10,000%. Because trading is free, so just don’t care about any risks.


Choose the highest leverage

The good news is you will win big if you choose the highest leverage. If you lose, you will lose everything. How risky! But you should remember that you’re here to win big and fast, so don’t waste time making little money.

Create several accounts

If you create a lot of accounts, your chance of winning is high. In addition, forex contests are all free to join, so try to create as accounts as possible.

Notice volatile times

You shouldn’t spend all of your time trading for these forex contests. You should expect volatile times like news release to make your move. You can win a lots or lose everything. If you lose, it’s still good because it doesn’t take you too much time for these contests.


Use your trading bots

You can’t spend all days and all nights trading. An alternative is to use trading bots to help. The trading bot should be safe and reliable. It will take care of all the work.

To sum up, here is the list of best forex contests for you:

FXTM Titans

Exness World Cup Contest



Source: http://cashbackforex.club/nhan/tkmh?lb=-forex-demo-contest


 In this article, you are supposed to read about the most popular bonuses programs and the situation behind. I’ll share you with the reasons why the best forex brokers offer bonuses along the time you trade with them and how possible to withdraw the money.

You are doing scalpers, or you have the intention to invest in a long run, bonuses follow you from scratch and until you reach a specific experience. There are three main categories of bonuses I would like you to know: welcome bonuses, deposit bonuses, and Lot back bonuses.


best forex bonuses

When you start trading with a broker, you have to open an account first. Some brokers give you $30 to $50 free in your account so you can start trading with that, no investment required. It’s called welcome bonuses. At first place, brokers introduce welcome bonuses to attract more customers to come and open a position with them. Amount of $50 is just enough for a trial transaction and experience real forex trading without loss. However, forex cheaters find welcome bonuses for a great invitation.

Welcome bonuses are launched mostly in new brokers who desire to gain more clients. Besides, some big brokers offer this types of bonus, too. In my opinion, you had better choose a reliable and large broker with welcome bonuses to try. It’s for your security and trading with a big corporation can give you more experience.

After register for a certain of time, brokers will motivate you by deposit bonuses. The money will be added straightly to your account and encourage you to move on with trading. Usually, those bonuses are applied to former traders but no longer active.  How much money they offer you depends on how much you deposited at the beginning. Moreover, at a different time, they can give you 10%, 30% or even 100% of your deposit. There’s the only way to spend the bonus which is trading. However, you almost cannot withdraw it for yourself.

Tìm sàn forex tốt nhất cho người mới ngay.

For long-term investors, brokers launch the lot back bonuses. It’s nearly a discount transaction fee for serious traders. Here is how it works. Imaging that spread of EUR/USD is 1.4 pip and broker offer you $3 of lot back bonus, when you finish a transaction (or a lot), instead of paying first spread ($14), you just pay $11. Professional traders most favorite this type of bonus as they can minimize transaction cost.

For those types of bonuses, some reliable brokers are offering the best programs that you might choose over others:

•    Best welcome bonus: 30$ welcome bonus of XM >> Check detail here.

•    Best welcome bonus: 50$ welcome bonus of FBS >> Check detail here.

•    Best deposit bonus: 100% deposit bonus of XM >> Check detail here.

•    Lot Back Bonuses: Rebate 2 - 16$ per lot of Exness >> Check detail here.



1. What do you fail to think of bonuses?

It’s easy to get bonuses but challenging to withdraw it. There are some disadvantages that you might find out about your bonuses, and I’m sharing with you now:

Welcome bonuses: It is not money for you to withdraw. If you want to have that money, you are supposed to overcome challenges. One of the strictest terms to withdraw welcome bonuses is that brokers require you to win some lots. However, you may lose more than $50 if you trade such many times. Besides, you should think of prestige of brokers, most of the brokers with welcome bonuses are new to the market, so they are not secure enough for you to invest much of your money.

Deposit bonuses: the withdrawal terms are tight, too. In many cases, if traders try to withdraw it, the bonuses disappear for no reasons.

Lot back bonuses: because you are given it when you have invested for a long time. The only benefit you find about it is lower transaction cost. Otherwise, it’s impossible to withdraw or spend.

2.  Anyways to withdraw bonuses?

Almost impossible to deposit bonuses and lot back bonuses, (however, you can trade and enjoy the profit) but forex cheaters can withdraw welcome bonuses by some tricks.

If brokers ask to win some lots to withdraw welcome bonuses, they can open many accounts at the same time and start trading altogether. Finally, only one of them win all the others so they can withdraw the money.

Alternatively, they could register plenty of small accounts, and welcome bonuses are accepted and open a prominent position to hedge them. Taking advantages of high leverage, they can win the welcome bonuses of the other accounts. Those cheaters would prefer top leverage brokers.

3.    Should traders choose good bonuses brokers?

For bounty hunters, good bonuses are undeniable invitations. However, if you are serious investors, the first to look at is brokers’ credibility. We can evaluate the credibility of brokers by how big they are. You can find more names on the list of largest brokers here.

Even low spread cannot tell much about brokers, even it are in the center of concern at the moment (find the list of low spread brokers here) and with extended terms, investors, searching for low swap brokers is better. Find the list of most reliable brokers here.




In case some people intend to enter forex, the most important to do first is finding perfect brokers for beginners. For beginners, some common requirements will be no longer suitable for others. Thus, I wrote this article to share newbies what they should prepare in their mind before starting with any brokers or transaction.

You cannot conclude any brokers the best for you until experiencing several ones. I recommend three brokers below as the perfect ones for beginners.

- XM.com: 9/10 =>>>> click here to find more about XM.com

- Exness.com: 9/10 =>>>> click here to find more about Exness.com

- FBS.com: 8/10 =>>>> click here to find more about FBS.com


However, to find the best for yourself, I think you should understand seven facts below:

1.    The most suitable brokers are better than the best

Trading, each of beginners has his strategies. Therefore, the most suitable brokers can give them chances to win on the market, instead of the best.

The best forex brokers are usually chosen by experts, who prefer challenges and gains. However, if you are new to the market, you should select brokers with policy and regulations you can benefit. As far as I know, 95% of beginners may lose in their first stage, therefore, find and trade with brokers you can drop the least.

For experts, find the list of the largest brokers 2018 here.

2.    Cent accounts are more welcomed than Demo accounts

Besides the primary accounts, traders are welcomed to create demo accounts or Cent accounts.

Demo accounts are launched by most brokers, and they attract people with advantages such as no loss, secure transactions, …However, they cannot provide you with the real trading environment. Sometimes, they turn out to be a wrong choice for beginners.

I recommended creating Cent accounts. You have to send deposit. However, the amount is amazingly small, only 1 USD if you start with Exness. Transactions are practical, and profit is withdrawable. You can start your business with the small investment and also small loss. Moreover, if you practice enough with Cent accounts, you can move on with an official statement without not much surprise.

You can find reviews on Exness Cent account here.

3.    Don’t open your positions at news release time

It is a common mistake by beginners because they think trading bases on the news. However, experts always close their positions before or after the release time of 15 minutes.

4.    The only rule for beginners is minimizing loss

To make sure that what you throw away for first days is not too much, there are some points you should consider:

-       Low deposit requirements.

Experts will pay attention to credit or commission, spreads but beginners should pay attention to low deposit. You don’t know if the brokers are right or not so be wise to deposit. On the market, many brokers welcome beginners by welcome bonuses and low deposit policy, and you had better enjoy the regulations and decide if you can invest in temporary brokers for a long time.

I think the maximum deposit is 100 $. The less you trade, the less transaction cost becomes and the less you lose.  


-       Small trading lot requirements.

You should remember that 95% of beginners will lose. The standard lot is usually 100,000 USD, and I think that is too much for a beginner. However, some brokers offer tiny lot requirements such as 0.00001 Lot USD by XM. Those transactions are safe for the newbies.  

They are Cent accounts, which you deposit $10 only then do like plenty of lots to practice. Even you lose, the cost is way too little in comparison with experience you might learn.

-       Easy.

   Because you are new and you do everything from the start, simple system and simple procedures of deposit, trading and withdraw will be severe. Moreover, you will not get headaches or fooled by long and complicated principles.

5.    You must approach the best assistance on first moves

Besides brokers ensure your loss to the bottom, proper aid is worth looking for. You should have the brokers help you at your very first moves such as account creation, deposit, downloading apps, you should choose brokers with:

-       Good local support.

That means they should locate at least an office in your country or live assistance is in your language. The cast is to support new traders at any time in the most convenient way. Everything in your speech and face-to-face presentation can support the fullest. In future, when you are used to systems and procedures, you can have the broader choice.

-       Trusted brokers.

    You may switch many times before choosing the most suitable ones so credit may be not much necessary. On the other hand, I advise choosing a trusted broker who offers you the best conditions and loss rate.

For tough country like Asia, traders can find the most reliable brokers here.

- Excellent training and coaching programs.

Some brokers launch training programs and these are valuable to amateurs. They are like the economic course that you pay by little of deposit and transaction costs. Try them if you get chances too.

6.    Do not mistake demo contest practicing?

Demo contests are built without risks, and they focus on strategies by traders. Winners are experts, and they know well what their procedures are and how they should do.

You shouldn’t be too aggressive. Your rank barely goes as high as them at first stage. Moreover, they use robot trading to do because robots are established to run on a program.

7.    Don’t use robot trading

Robots are set and follow strategies by the traders. However, they work when you know the market well enough. Adjustment is needed frequently, too. Because they are marketed, I think some beginners pay attention to.

My advice is not using them. You are experiencing the market, and you have not yet figure out how you are doing next. Firstly, trade and experience by yourself and memorize. Choose the most suitable brokers and start to invest. Robots should be kept later.



 For beginners who are new to the trading market, welcome bonus serves as kind of a jump start for your career, therefore it’s very important that you could choose for yourself a broker with attractive welcome bonus programs. In this article today, I’ll be giving some of my thoughts on the matter as well as my detailed experiences and reviews of some of the best forex brokers that I consider to have superior welcome programs.



1. Current brokers with the best welcome bonus programs

Having traded for years and been with many popular and big brokers, I’ve finally narrowed my list of brokers with good welcome bonus programs to only 3 names, which are XM, FBS and FXTM. More details can be viewed as follow:

  • XM => Get bonus

  • FBS => Get bonus

  • FXTM => Get bonus

Out of these 3 brokers, I prefer XM since not only their welcome bonus program is excellent, they also offer a 100% bonus on new deposition.

2. Standards of good forex welcome bonuses

Since this article is mostly about bonuses, below are my 3 personal standards when it comes to choosing a broker based on their bonus programs:

  • Easy withdrawal conditions

Some brokers have very strict policies regarding the act of withdrawing bonus. As a matter of fact, you can’t really withdraw your welcome bonus directly but do feel rest assured as you can still withdraw the profits gained from trading with the bonus money. That’s the reason for why some brokers have a certain condition that comes with withdrawing bonus such as the minimum lot traded requirement. More specific numbers on the minimum lot traded requirement of the aforementioned top brokers are as follow:

- XM by far has the fairest withdrawal condition. Traders who do business with XM only need to complete 0.1 lot to be able to withdraw bonus profits.

- FXTM comes second with the requirement of 1 lot traded to be able to withdraw profits.

- FBS has 123 bonus programs, with the maximum welcome bonus being $123. The highest profit that you can withdraw for each lot traded is $3. For example: Let’s say you gained $60 profits from 7 days of trading. In order to withdraw all that profits, you’d need to have traded at least 20 lots.

  • High welcome bonus value

Obviously, us traders need the welcome bonus amount to be as high as possible. Out of those three brokers that I’ve mentioned, FBS offers the highest attainable welcome bonus amount which is $123, while XM and FXTM offer relatively the same amount of welcome bonus which is around $30.

  • Reliable forex brokers

Without a doubt, your broker should always be reliable and has no shady side to it. Having traded with many different brokers, I consider XM to be the best in term of reliability and transparency. For more information regarding XM, please refer to this article.

3. Other types of bonuses

Beside welcome bonus, most forex brokers also offer many different bonus programs such as Deposit bonus or Lot back bonus (Loyalty bonus). More specifically:

Deposit Bonus is the bonus program that is based entirely on your deposition amount, which is why you can get more money from this bonus simply by depositing more money.

Lot back bonus, or Loyalty bonus, is the bonus program that most experienced traders prefer since the program automatically rebates a portion of your every transaction to your account.

For example: XM’s spread for the EUR/USD currency is 1.4 pip and the rebate amount are $3 for each trading lot completed. This means that you only need to pay $11 for each EUR/USD lot instead of the whole $14 of the original spread.

4. Can you really withdraw forex bonus profits?

As I have mentioned above, to withdraw forex bonus profits, most brokers have certain withdrawal policies regarding this matter. Currently, there are two known withdrawal conditions that most brokers have:

  • Completed trading lot requirements

I’ve personally given an example and explanations regarding this requirement above. To sum it up, most brokers require you to have completed at least a certain amount of trading before you can withdraw the bonus. There’s also a downside to this policy which is that most of the time, the traders would have to deposit even more money than the bonus itself in order to complete the trading lot requirement.

  • No direct bonus withdrawal

Most brokers that I’ve done business with restrict its traders from directly withdrawing the bonuses such as welcome bonus or deposition bonus. This is due to the fact that if they hadn’t done so, tons of cheaters and exploiters would’ve taken advantage of the situation and made a profit for themselves.

5. Should we choose brokers with good bonus or low spread?

At first, most people would seem to consider brokers with good bonus programs to be better than the brokers with low spreads. However, as traders, we also need to take our long-term plan into consideration. Brokers with low spread or overall better trading conditions always better in the long-term since essentially, you’re always trading with the best trading conditions that you could have when you choose those brokers. As for me, I consider a broker’s credibility to be above everything else since I often have to deal with large amounts of money.

For more details about which reliable should you choose, please refer to our THE MOST RELIABLE BROKER ARTICLE


I’ve personally done my own researches to find out which one among the top brokers has the better bonus programs. So far, I’ve narrowed the list down to 4 brokers with relatively superior bonus programs comparing to the other brokers. The specifics are as follow:

  • Best welcome bonus - XM: 30$ welcome bonus >> Check detail here.

  • Best welcome bonus - FBS: 50$ welcome bonus >> Check detail here.

  • Best deposit bonus - XM: 100% deposit bonus >> Check detail here.

  • Lot Back Bonuses - Exness: Rebate 2 – 16$ per lot >> Check detail here.

7. Ways to exploit forex bonus programs

Needless to say, morality-wise, it isn’t good to use any kind of cheating method. However, if you feel the needs to do so, here’s the two popular methods, both of which involve creating multiple accounts to exploit the welcome bonus program:

  1. Hedge two newly created account. This means that you’d have to let one account wins and the other one loses in order to maintain a win rate of 50%. This method of cheating can only be applied on brokers with loose withdrawal policies.

  2. This method is mostly the same as the first method but in this method, you also need to take advantage of the high leverages to open very big positions. For this method of cheating, a broker with high leverages is advised.

Read more : How to Find The Most Reliable Brokers for Asian Traders

How to Find The Most Reliable Brokers for Asian Traders

1. Why The Most Reliable Brokers for Asian Traders?

 In 1973, from the developed countries, as the state control of foreign exchange trading ended, the times of complete floating and the free trading market began. The United States and Western countries did take the first step in the currency market, and the wave of forex trading soon cover all six continents with its currencies - but Antarctica. However, the Asian currency market has experienced the exceptional growth and rapid expansion for just the last 15 years.

BRKV - Asia is the largest and most populous continent. The Asian people, in general, are diligent, adventurous, and here there are many long-term thinkers, which is potential for business trading including the forex trading market. With much knowledge and experience from the developed nations, many best forex brokers set up their branch offices in Asia beside hundreds of new arising brokers. Now, this land has become the second biggest forex market, and Asian traders have contributed 30% to this world trading volume.

In the forex market volatility, the community of Asian traders is big with lots of new traders, and more are coming every day. Between numerous forex brokers, emerging and veteran, the demand for testing and practicing becomes increasingly important in Asia, and new traders also need the trustworthy companions to start with. Thus, this article aims to help Asian traders choose the most reliable brokers with its key features, and we also come up with the top list of reliable brokers as well.

2. The Key Component of Reliable forex brokers

In this modern time, any business could be famous in a short time with good marketing strategy. Many forex brokers labelled themselves as reliableness with better services, but only time can prove the truth through sudden changes which are no longer the surprises to the forex community. Without careful research, many new traders find all their fund wasted in the first round with scam brokers. If you don’t want to trouble yourself with these brokers, you’d better choose carefully. Do some research, and don’t blindfold yourself by some superficial fame. Through years of trading in the market of forex, we believe that reliable forex brokers must have the following features as the essential components:

  1. Broad System of Regional Offices.

  2. Good Payment System.

  3. No Scam History.

  4. Regulation as Confirmation.

  5. Become the Largest Brokers.

We will go from shallow to deep so that traders could understand things in brief and soon start their own research with a logical viewpoint. Now, let’s begin with the first principal component.

2.1. Broad System of Regional Offices

Forex brokers spend years to earn traders loyalty before marking them as the reliable ones. Beside proper management and services, it is critically essential for strong brokers to understand the currency market and the market trend to expand. With the broad system of regional offices, large-scale forex brokers can also compete with each other with professionals and variety of services. Branch offices attached only with reliable and large brokers, small and unreliable brokers don’t have to strength to do as such.

Moreover, It is much difficult for forex brokers to expand in this most massive continents because forex trading is restricted in many Asian regions, even illegal in some countries. Brokers must request for the official registration to have the license in particular states. Therefore, if oversea brokers open their office in your Asian home to keep in touch with its traders, it shows the trustworthiness, high strength, with excellent services and supports to that country in forex trading. As a consequence, if any problem occurs, Asian traders can get the direct support from the regional offices, or - if you are so unlucky - by the law if a scam broker tricks you.

Regarding the direct supports, local offices offer better services instantly. There are local staff members who could help with no language barriers and much faster. Regional offices also gather traders together, which also helps a lot in new businesspeople in forex trading. Many local offices in Asia have come under the name of the top largest brokers including Saxo Bank, Hotforex, and Exness; you can find their local office easily on the internet. They offer great payment services also, which we explain further below.

Note: You can choose the local regulated brokers or the foreign brokers with trusted regulation if you find no office from the large FX brokers in your country. (Read the Section 2.4 for further understanding)

2.2. Good Payment System

The excellent payment system must have the following features:

  • Fast deposit and withdrawal services.

  • Low deposit and withdrawal fee.

  • High minimum withdrawal limit.

  • Good System of Local payments.

It takes not a short amount of time waiting for forex execution even with the growth of the e-trading system. Veteran users have rich experience with that trading condition with many brokers. Forex traders love fast service, especially payment services to match the high speed of trading with lots of sudden changes in this market of volatility. Fast execution also helps Asian traders a lot for the habit of using cash regularly - fast execution service.

No traders love it, and brokers with common services don’t offer traders this: deposit and withdrawal fee, even low. It is just unreasonable. The offer is similar to this circumstance: you go to the supermarket with a large parking area, then you have to pay for a plot after buying a considerable amount of their goods. Top brokers with top services provide the opposite: low or zero fees on execution.

It is even better if you can withdraw a considerable amount of money, to reward yourself as a result of good practicing and fortunate perhaps. However, many brokers set a low border on the minimum withdrawal and reject significant departures as to prevent money laundering. With the high leverage account offered by many brokers nowadays, many traders can win big with the right strategies and disciplines, and it could be tomorrow. Moreover, if your money keeps increasing fast and is held for too long, your fund can also disappear for no reason. Unreliable can’t guarantee your safety. Forex brokers should do the prevention of laundering money, but most traders do not use forex trading for that purpose. Avoid such brokers and search for the better chance with brokers offering high minimum deposit limit, with regulation.

Local payment service. Regional office system is good, and local payment service is even greater. All the needs: reliableness, direct services, low execution fee, high withdrawal limit, you can find all of these with local payment service - always from top brokers. Also, from my experience, between large brokers, Exness has the best payment service with the large system of regional offices which offer instant withdrawal services. All transactions are immediate, and you can get your money in no time, even on the weekends, and it’s free which all Asian traders love.

Check the Exness Payment System HERE.

2.3. No Scam History

Fake signals on a large scale go along with scam brokers. In 2015, Swiss Central Bank floated its CHF, the CFH/USD changed with over 3000 pips. Most brokers went bankrupt, hundreds of millions of dollars fell. Chairman of several forex brokers disappears with money from lives of poor forex traders. You can read more about such events and see how such ghost brokers treated their unfortunate clients.

Reliable forex brokers should have no scam report, they climb to the top with recognition, awards, hence the reputation. Through years of operation, reliable brokers firmly stand with no scam claimed. Top largest forex brokers have proved its name through a hard time beside the traders. Especially for Asian traders who have the sense of adventure and love long-term strategies, the top brokers are best options for the excellent result. Veteran traders have years of experience with testing. Don’t let yourself stuck with numerous names of the emerging, do some researches and save your time.

2.4. Regulation as Confirmation

Reliable forex brokers always go with regulation. Regulated forex brokers are professionals that have registered themselves with government financial institutions like the CFTC and NFA from the US, FCA from the UK, CySEC from Europe, and there is forex regulation comes from Asian countries like Singapore, Japan, and Hong Kong. When a forex broker is regulated, they bound themselves to the tighter rules from the state that control the forex market.

Through years in the forex trading pool, we discuss a lot about the regulation from different nations. For the sake of safety, this is always the most controversial topic for traders who dare to dive much deeper in the forex trading world. The US dollars is substantial, and American traders step first into the forex trading hole, many people thus believe that the US or UK regulated brokers are more reliable than the others. On the other hand, as the forex market is illegal in some Asian countries, part of the traders' community goes extreme and don’t trust any brokers if the license is not the US. No forex traders suspect the standard of US regulation, but there is no connection to the non-US-license brokers are not worth trusting.

Some brokers don’t have business in the States, and they don’t need the US license. Take Exness: this is the current largest retail forex brokers, Exness doesn’t possess the US license. The company focuses on Asian forex trading market. Their trading volume last month is 395 billion US dollars -  the highest, 99% of this trading volume is from the regions. Reliable brokers need regulation, but it does have to be originated in the United States. Again, Asia is the second biggest currency market on the Earth, and many forex brokers have achieved success by serving this market.

In Asia, if your country has regulation on forex trading, you should trade with local brokers for fast and convenient services. Otherwise, you’d better choose brokers with a regular license, there is much trustworthy regulation from public financial institute: CFTC and NFA from the US, FCA from the UK, CySEC from Europe, and there are brokers with regulation from Asian country like Singapore, Japan, and Hong Kong. All of these are good for forex traders including Asian traders.


  1. Check Exness legal information HERE.

  2. US and UK forex brokers spreads, commission, and margin requirement are much higher than other continents’ brokers. If you were Asian and African traders, it’s better to study carefully.
    (Check this article to know why: Disadvantages of US regulation).

2.5. Become the Largest Brokers.

Only strong forex brokers can stand firm through big and small waves of changes in the currency market. The most reliable top brokers climb up through years of dealing with different struggles. The top largest can even expand their reputation and scales throughout the world. If brokers found themselves as the top largest, they must be excellent and more than reliable to all traders.

With many new Asian traders in the Asian forex market, you should trade with the top largest with top services and the most professional context for practices. At the start, problems might happen for several months of trading, which rarely occurs with the top largest forex brokers. If you are interested, my recommendation is to try the Exness Cent Account, which is suitable for Asian traders to practice real-time trading with a small pocket. Here we list the Top 5 of World Largest Forex Brokers:

  1. Exness.com: 400 Billion USD/month

  2. Forex.com: 300 Billion USD/month

  3. XM.com 290 Billion USD/month.  >> Check more HERE

  4. Saxo Bank: 265 Billion USD/month

  5. Hotforex.com 209 Billion USD/month.

3. Conclusion

There are many traders with vast knowledge, who experience both failure and success. Don’t waste their lessons. In this time of modern marketing, it’s easy to have fame, but years need to be proven. All the key component we shared need time as well as effort to get, and they show how reliable the brokers are and how they are trusted globally. Do your research, practice with care and consciousness. We wish your success, and finally, here is the list of 5 brokers that we think as the most reliable for Asian traders:

  1. Exness.com >> Check more HERE

  2. XM.com

  3. Forex.com

  4. Saxo bank

  5. IG Group

Thanks for your time reading. See you next time.


Hey there, this is Fanara Filippo. I'm the author of this article and I'm currently collaborating with Brokerreview.net, or BRKV in short. My articles are mainly for forex traders from Thailand, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, and South Africa.

Source: http://cashbackforex.club/tkmct_29/3-san-ecn-tot-nhat-the-gioi.html